Sunday, February 28, 2010

FCA Discussion Questions (Meeting Feb. 26)

1. Last Time: Our Attitude is a choice. The foundation of a good attitude is gratitude and enthusiasm.

2. Video Clip: Tony Dungy

3. John Wooden: "If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"

4. What are some more serious ways in which athletes and coaches choose the wrong way over the right way?
- Some athletes choose the wrong way like Michael vick by getting into trouble. If you know what your doing is wrong, don't do it, it's not worth it. Some coaches choose the wrong why when they do things such as: overwork the players, swear, etc.

5. If you knew no one would ever find out would you:

Skip a workout?- Yeah
Lie to your coach?- Depending on the situation
Root against a teammate?- No
Take steroids?- No
Cheat to win?- No
Throw the game?- No

6. How do these choices cheapen the athletic experience? As athletes do you think we are more defined by our achievements or choices?
- They cheapen the game becasue the game becomes unfair. Its not fair to go up against someone on steroids, if your not on steroids. As athletes, people care more about our achievements than choices, but choices are more important in my mind.

7. Application: Joshua 24:15

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