Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sermon Summary for the Day - Pastor Gordon Strunk

Today is November 1, 2009. The day after Halloween or October 31. People think of Halloween just as "trick or treat" time, but Halloween comes from "All hallows' even", or "All holy one's evening". Halloween is the night before All Saints' Day on November 1. In my religion (Lutheran), October 31 is a very important day because it is the same day that Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to a church in Wittenberg, Germany in the year 1517. This paper began the Reformation, which also lead to John Calvin starting the Presbyterian Church. The reason Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses was because of the selling of indulgences in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. Supposedly these indulgences would buy salvation. The problem with that is that salvation cannot be bought. It is a gift from God that no one can take from you. You are saved if you have grace, faith, and trust in God as your personal Savior, not by buying indulgences.

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